What Are The Things One Should Not Do While Visiting Dubai?

Things Not To Do In Dubai In 2024 and Things Not To Do In Dubai To Respect The Law Blog Banner Travel Saga Tourism

It is customary to do some research before travelling anywhere. That research can be done while visiting Dubai as well. Just as you search for the best tourist attractions to visit in Dubai or transportation services, you must know about some activities that you should refrain from doing when you are in Dubai. In this article, we will be discussing about some things that are deemed inappropriate in Dubai.

Things To Not Do While Visiting Dubai

1. Get Drunk in public

Sometimes all a person wants is they explore this beautiful city with a can of beer in their hands. Many countries don’t have a problem with it. However, in Dubai, it is strictly prohibited. The main religion of the UAE is Islam, and its citizens follow Sharia Law. According to this law, there are some strict rules regarding alcohol. You can drink when you are in your hotel room, or maybe when you are dining in a restaurant. Many local police officers in civilian clothing keep an eye out for such people. If you get caught causing a scene when you are drunk, you might get sentenced to 6 months of jail time and heavy fines. 

2. Photography without consent

Photography without consent is another one of the things that you should avoid doing in Dubai. With the abundance of scenic beauty, and architectural marvels, Dubai might tempt you to take your camera out. But, make sure that you are extremely cautious while clicking pictures. The authorities in Dubai care a lot about the modesty and safety of the citizens. Keeping that in mind, they made sure that there was a hefty fine and confiscation of the camera, if you got caught clicking pictures of people without their consent, especially of women and children. So, make sure that you either ask for permission or live out the beautiful scene in front of your eyes. 

3. Do not seek out drugs

Drugs are illegal in Dubai. This is the reason why you should not seek out drugs when you are in this city. Their anti-drug policy prohibits you from carrying any kind of drugs, be it prescription medicines, or illegal substances. And if you are caught carrying any of these you might get imprisoned for four years. If you have any underlying condition which requires using those medicines, make sure that you go to the UAE’s official website and see what kind of medicines you can bring. Also, make sure that you have a prescription for those meds. 

4. Use your left-hand

It is considered filthy to use your left hand for anything in the Arabic culture, as it is used for bodily hygiene. So, you have to be mindful about using your hands in certain situations. Make sure that you don’t greet anyone, or pass out something, especially food, with your left hand. Also, do not eat with your left hand. Even after washing it many times, using the left hand for anything is considered unclean. However, you can drink with your left hand. When in Dubai make sure that you don’t use your left hand for anything. And if you are left-handed, you might have to habitually use your left and right hands equally. 

5. Avoid offensive gestures while driving 

Dubai being the trademark of luxury, has many prospects for luxury car rentals. You might want to get one and experience the thrill of riding it. There are a lot of spots in Dubai where you can take your car and drive it around. While road rage might be common in other countries, in Dubai you have to keep your calm. You cannot use any kind of gestures which might upset any other driver and get you arrested. Even the neutral ones like thumbs up, and okay signs might be offensive to other drivers. 

6. Do not miss visiting the famous tourist attractions

Missing out on the famous tourist attraction in Dubai is truly a crime. Staying coiled up in your hotel room is not acceptable, so make sure that you go out and explore the city. Take city tours like Dubai city tour and visit places like Burj Khalifa, old Souk in Bur Dubai, Dubai Frame, Burj Al Arab. etc. Other than that you can spend some time relaxing at the Beaches of Dubai. With an abundance of things to do Dubai stands out in the list of most visited cities in the world. So, make sure that you your your trip to Dubai ASAP!

Some of the other things that you should avoid doing on your trip to Dubai are engaging in PDA, cussing in public, eating publicly in Ramadan, badmouthing the Royal Family, etc.  


Every country has its own set of traditions and rules that every tourist has to abide by. From respecting the main religion of the country to following common traditions, certain rules might seem strange to you. However, respecting those rules, and following them without any question, can make your trip better. Similarly, Travel Saga Tourism makes your trip to Dubai better by providing you with flexibility and an easy booking process. So, what are you waiting for? Book your trip to Dubai with Travel Saga Tourism now!